Where I gather my thoughts and transform my sea of emotions into written words, so that I may let them rest somewhere other than in my heart or head.

Latest Thoughts


When it comes to setting goals, I guess you can say I play it pretty safe. I only set goals that are 100% in my control. I don’t set weight loss goals, because I know at times, my weight does not 100% directly reflect my efforts. I do, however, set goals on how many steps I take.. or how many miles I cycle. Those are in my control. I don’t set vague goals of “eat...

Not Yet

I’m worried about my mom. I don’t know where we stand right now. Communication has been shut down by my dad. I’m giving grace and space. But I want answers. She’s my mom. Last I was told was that she’d have the rescheduled MRI yesterday and then get results and a game-plan on Thursday. I don’t know if that’s even true anymore. I don’t know what to...

Stole My Heart

For our anniversary last year, we took a short trip to Port Aransas, Texas for the first time. We stayed at the beautiful Sandcastle Condos.  The place is magical. The beach. The people. The small community. I fell in love. I have literally never felt like that about any other place I have been. We only stayed a few days, but I knew even after such a short time there, Port Aransas had...

Hello, Old Friend

I almost called you the other day. It’s been almost 3 years, since I have heard your voice. And that was my choice. I know. I’ve reached out since then, with no response from you. I understand. But when shit hit the fan and my world felt like it was crashing down around me… you were who I wanted to call. You were who I thought would care. You were who I thought would be there...

Yearning For Fall

There’s nothing like flipping the page of the calendar to the month of September to rev up my yearning for fall. It’s like the flip of a switch. September 1st rolls around and I Want All Things Fall… The cooler weather. The beautiful colors. The decorations. I want it all. I love fall.  But I live in Texas, and it doesn’t actually start to feel like fall outside...

That Word

That word that stops you in your tracks. That word that steals a second of your breath. That word that makes your heart drop. That word that makes every word following it become foggy. That word that changes everything in a split second. That word that flips your life upside down and doesn’t give a shit. That word that forces more and more streams of tears down your face the longer you sit...


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I tend to share different experiences and thoughts on each of the social media platforms, so feel free to follow me on whatever platform you desire. ♥

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February 2025