

While you’re cuddled up on the couch,
she’s hiding in the bathroom crying.
While you’re enjoying your Sunday off,
she’s praying for Monday to come.
While you’re washing the dishes,
she’s picking up pieces of a thrown plate.
While you lay your head down at night,
her mind is riddled with guilt, sadness, and terror.
While you’re applying make-up to cover up your blemishes,
she’s trying to conceal her black eye.
While you chat with your coworkers,
she’s coming up with a story to explain the bruises.
While you let your hair down at the end of a long day,
she keeps her guard up 24-7.
While you’re talking about your day,
she’s being blamed for his latest behavior.
While you celebrate anniversaries with special dinners,
she’s being fed lies and empty promises.
While you look at your husband with love and appreciation,
she has fear, disgust, and anger in her eyes.
While you’re browsing Amazon,
she’s stashing away every coin she can find.
While you have a silly disagreement with your husband,
she’s being screamed at, spat on, and beaten.
While you’re chilling and watching TV,
she’s gathering video evidence to use against him one day.
While you get onto your kids for not picking up their rooms,
she’s desperately trying to clean up after his latest rampage.
While you pray for more of “this” or “that,”
she prays for her safety.
While you make plans for the weekend,
she makes her exit plan.
While you hope the weather cooperates,
she hopes she lives long enough to escape.

Though this is not my personal experience,
many women I know have lived through this torture.
Whether it’s verbal, mental, emotional, or physical, ABUSE IS ABUSE.

If you need help, reach out to a local organization, call the
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE (7233),
go to the police station, and/or tell a friend or family member.

There is help. You are supported. You are not stuck. There is a way out.

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January 2025