Phrase of 2019


January 1, 2019. It’s here. I’m here. It’s a new beginning and a continuation all at the same time. What do I want this year? I’ve been asking myself this for a while now. Contemplating what my word or phrase of 2019 will be.

I want more time spent doing things that open up my soul. I want to dive into who I really am and appreciate and love her like I have never before.

I want more moments with candles, crystals, oracle cards, music, singing bowls and pure quietness.

I want to find a oneness within myself and those around me.

I want more laughter and happiness.

I want to flow more freely with the ebb and flow of life. I want to shift and transition with life effortlessly.

I want more trust in the timing of things. I want to fully believe that all is well and as it should be. All the time. 

I want to shed old habits and thought processes that no longer serve me.

I want clarity and understanding. I want allowance and acceptance. I want more peace.

I want to love my body. I want to move with ease and feel comfortable in my own skin.

I want to find ease in all things. School. Work. Home. Relationships. Fitness. All of it. 

I want more movie nights, game nights, and beach days.

I want more sunsets, sunrises and full moons.

I want more walks through the trees and more sand between my toes.

I want to let go of the guilt, disappointment and fear.

More excitement. More happiness. More connection. 

More forgiveness for the tough days. More memories made and more moments cherished.

I want to let go of the past and let go of the need to control what is to come. I want to be present and in the moment. I want to dive in and relish in it.

I want more balance. Balance of work and play. Balance of discipline and fun. Balance of myself and others. Balance of it all.

I want more of the good stuff. More shedding of the old. More settling into the new.

I want to live with all of this in mind and make choices based on that. I want to live more intentionally. I want intentional living. That is what I want.

That is my phrase for 2019.

Intentional Living. 

I receive the good. I release the old. I restore in balanced intentional living. 

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