She Did It


54 days ago, Leala peeked at the skills she needed to do for 7th grade. She had just completed 6th grade the day before, but was eager to know what was next. She did one skill that day and another skill the next day. Once Monday came, she dove straight in and mastered a record-breaking 50 skills! There was no stopping her.

She asked me how long I thought it would take her to finish 7th grade. I never give them deadlines for things like that, as I like to go at their pace and the pace of our life. I did tell her that it would be great if she could finish before Christmas.

In that moment, she declared in a very matter-of-fact way that she would be done in just 2 months. Frankly, I thought she was crazy. I still do. Never would I have put that type of pressure on her, but I, of course, supported her.

For the past 54 days this girl has worked her butt off to accomplish her goal. Despite a surprise visit from family, no internet for a few days and a hurt back forcing her to take time off from school, she pushed forward.

Today, I can say that she did more than just meet her goal, she surpassed it. She completed 7th grade in LESS than 2 months. We are beyond proud of her drive, commitment and fortitude. This was ALL her. She did it. She really did it!

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January 2025