Last night, you came to our room.
You had woken up and couldn’t go back to sleep.
Daddy invited you into bed with us.
You climbed in and found your spot between us.
A spot you had not used in longer than I can remember.
You quickly drifted off to sleep.
As did I.
I woke up several times to check on you.
I couldn’t help but smile when I opened my eyes.
Your precious face so close to mine.
Your eyes shut and your mouth slightly open.
You’ve grown so much since you were last in our bed.
You didn’t move and kick like you used to do.
You didn’t lie sideways.
You were as quiet as could be.
Except for a few little whimpers here and there.
As close to the edge as I was…
And as little blanket as Daddy had…
I think we both had a deep appreciation for it.
Last night, you slept between us.
Today, I question if that was the last time.
Sleeping Boy