Start With Passion


I’ve been struggling with where this writing journey of mine is headed. In the last month, I’ve been drawn to do things that my soul has been craving. I’ve been writing. Taking photos. Updating my blog. Sharing my work. But where is this going? What is going to become of all of this? What is the end goal?

I have no clue and today, my wonderful husband gently reminded me that maybe, that’s okay.

He’s such a calming and grounding force in my life. When my mind is in a million places all at once without any idea of where to go first, I know that if I look to him, he’ll be there. I’m grateful for his compassion, sweet reminders and thoughtful guidance.

When I set aside all of the questions and unknowns, this is what I know. I know I love writing. I know I love connecting with others and touching their hearts through my words.

So, with all of that said, it’s simple. I’ll continue writing, taking photos and sharing my thoughts. Where will this take me? I don’t know. What will happen from here? I don’t know. Will it become bigger than it is? I don’t know that either.

For now, I’ll put those questions down and I’ll enjoy where I’m at in this moment. I’ll enjoy the therapy writing gives me. I’ll enjoy the letting go, acceptance and healing that I experience when I write. I’ll enjoy the connections I make when people comment on my work with phrases like “emotional perfection” and “beautiful mind.”

“Start with the passion and go from there.” Wise words from my wise husband.

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February 2025