
Phrase of 2019

January 1, 2019. It’s here. I’m here. It’s a new beginning and a continuation all at the same time. What do I want this year? I’ve been asking myself this for a while now. Contemplating what my word or phrase of 2019 will be. I want more time spent doing things that open up my soul. I want to dive into who I really am and appreciate and love her like I have never before. I...

Stole My Heart

For our anniversary last year, we took a short trip to Port Aransas, Texas for the first time. We stayed at the beautiful Sandcastle Condos.  The place is magical. The beach. The people. The small community. I fell in love. I have literally never felt like that about any other place I have been. We only stayed a few days, but I knew even after such a short time there, Port Aransas had...

Yearning For Fall

There’s nothing like flipping the page of the calendar to the month of September to rev up my yearning for fall. It’s like the flip of a switch. September 1st rolls around and I Want All Things Fall… The cooler weather. The beautiful colors. The decorations. I want it all. I love fall.  But I live in Texas, and it doesn’t actually start to feel like fall outside...

How It All Began

“Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.” This is how we began. We were both living our ordinary lives and then, boom. Fate stepped in and magic happened. Dramatic, I know, but once I tell you the story of how Kevin and I met, you’ll understand and you’ll agree… just wait…  It was June 17th, 1999. I was having a...

Look Within

After writing my last post and feeling the healing effects of writing it, I decided I’d share this blog with a few select people who I care about (other than my husband) and even shared it in a like-minded group I’m in on Facebook. Big mistake. It just set me up for disappointment again. No one actually cares… let me rephrase that. It’s not important enough for people to...


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I tend to share different experiences and thoughts on each of the social media platforms, so feel free to follow me on whatever platform you desire. ♥

My Posts

February 2025