
They’re Gone

An unexpected visit. 4 days of laughter and food. Cuddles and stories. Big hugs and Asian kisses. Today, we say goodbye. Waving as they drive away. The house is quiet. Somber. Holding back tears. Extra hugs with the kids. Time to clean up. Dishes are washed. Counters are cleaned. Towels are washed. Bathrooms are cleaned. Blankets are washed. Floors are cleaned. All is done. House is clean. Like...

Morning Memories

The roosters crow. The hunting dogs bark. The sound of a car driving by on the 2 lane highway can be heard in the distance. A cool, crisp Arkansas morning breeze squeezes through the cracked window. The scent of earth dances in the air – soil, grass, the morning dew. Light shines through the sheer curtains and across the bed. My eyes open. There’s a smile on my face. I can hear the...

6 Months

I stood there in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror. I had just finished my makeup and was straightening my hair. Then it hit me like an inescapable wave. Flashbacks. Quick flashes of memories from that September day. September 6, 2018. We had just parked at the office and my phone rang. I instantly knew it was something bad. I told the kids to go ahead and go in with Kevin, so that I...

Gathered Pieces

Memories. Boxes of memories. Gathered items collected over the span of her life. Pieces of her life carefully placed in boxes and moved from house to house, as she moved from town to town. Pieces believed to symbolize moments of her life. Pieces believed to be made up of pieces of her. Pieces believed to define her, as she is today. Irreplaceable pieces. Year after year, more and more pieces were...

The End of 2018

December 31, 2018. It’s the last day of another year. As I get older, it seems like the years go by faster and faster. Like clockwork, as the year comes to a close, I find myself looking back on all that the year has brought me. The physical things.. the experiences… the inner growth and evolution. Some things that come to mind are the trips we’ve taken. A beautiful vacation to...

Not Yet

I’m worried about my mom. I don’t know where we stand right now. Communication has been shut down by my dad. I’m giving grace and space. But I want answers. She’s my mom. Last I was told was that she’d have the rescheduled MRI yesterday and then get results and a game-plan on Thursday. I don’t know if that’s even true anymore. I don’t know what to...


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I tend to share different experiences and thoughts on each of the social media platforms, so feel free to follow me on whatever platform you desire. ♥

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February 2025