Who Am I?


Who Am I? That’s a big question… I don’t talk about myself much. Let’s start off with the easy stuff. My name is Ashley. I’m 31 years old. I’m a Pisces and introvert. I’m a daughter. A sister. A wife. A mother. A friend. I’m a stay at home mom. I home-school both of our kids. I work from home with my husband and handle most of the HR work for his companies. 

That’s usually about where I stop thinking about it. That’s it. That sums up who I am, what I am and what I do. Doesn’t it

I’m learning I’m much more. 

Taken on Halloween, 2017

I’m a realist… but I’m a dreamer too. I’m an empath. I’m spiritual, not religious. I’m a hard worker. I’m dedicated and loyal. I’m truthful and trustworthy. I’m sensitive and needy. I’m all in, all the time… until I’m not. I’m stubborn. I’m hard-headed. I’m passionate. I’m intuitive. I’m a negative thinker who tries to think positively… I’m hopeful. 

I’m a girl who was lucky enough to meet her soulmate early in life. I’m in love with the same boy I fell in love with at the age of 12. I’m a devoted wife of 13 years. I’m his best friend and he’s mine. I’m happy. I’m grateful. I’m loved. 

I’m logical. I’m methodical. I’m analytical. But I’m emotional. I’m creative. I’m peace-seeking. I’m reliable, diligent and attentive. But I’m impatient, apprehensive, and irritable. 

I’m a lover of photography, music, laughter, the moon and ocean. I love coffee and good food. I’m a decorator and a writer (a person who writes… nothing more). I’m a collector of crystals, shells and memories. 

I’m afraid of bugs, intruders, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires… drowning… And all the other worst-case scenarios that go through my head. 

I’m capable, careful and cautious. I’m smart, sincere, and sentimental. I’m a cuddler and crier. I’m kind. I’m loving. I’m told that I’m lovable. (I didn’t realize how much I didn’t think that, until I had to write it). 

I’m a keeper of a mostly clean home. I’m organized, detail-oriented and somewhat of a perfectionist. I’m an avid planner, but I don’t like scheduling things, for fear of being late. 

I’m the mediator of the family. Or, I was. (Am I still)? I’m clingy, but distant. I’m affectionate, but apprehensive. I’m composed, but I’m hot-headed. I’m torn between tradition and doing my own thing. I’m independent, but I seek the approval of others. 

I’m the person who once thought living on the beach was never an option for me. I’m also the person now that yearns for nothing more than a house on the beach, filled with the sounds of waves crashing. 

I’m the one my family and friends go to with their troubles. I’m the one who has heard the life story of countless strangers. I’m the one who will be there for you, no matter what. I’m the one who finds it almost impossible to ask for help. 

I’m a feeler of people’s emotions. I’m a healer. I’m highly connected to those around me. But I’ve been burned. I’ve been betrayed. I’ve been hurt and broken. I’m jaded. I’m a bullshit detector. A human lie detector. A grudge-holder. I’m worried. I’m concerned. I’m doubtful. I’m skeptical. 

I’m well-intentioned and warm-hearted. I’m helpful, thoughtful and generous. I give my all, until the glass is beyond empty. 

I’m long-winded. 

I’m all of these things, all at once. And so much more

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