Yearning For Fall


There’s nothing like flipping the page of the calendar to the month of September to rev up my yearning for fall. It’s like the flip of a switch. September 1st rolls around and I Want All Things Fall… The cooler weather. The beautiful colors. The decorations. I want it all. I love fall. 

But I live in Texas, and it doesn’t actually start to feel like fall outside until later.. much later… more like, when it’s nearing the end of fall itself. Luckily the idea of fall keeps me going until the cooler weather hits. And when it finally does… it’s magic. 

The coolness in the house when I first open my eyes each morning. Eager children waiting as the smell of their apple cider fills the kitchen. Those cute little skinny pant pajamas covered in little dinosaurs. Soaking in the warmth of my “Mom” mug, while enjoying my freshly brewed coffee, next to the love of my life. ♥

The extra time spent easing into our day. The slower pace. Relishing in the moment. 

The cool crisp air gently blowing on my face. The hoodies. The cuddling on the couch. The mountain of blankets. The smell of cinnamon in the air. The warm glow of lit candles.

Passion. Closeness. A deeper connection. 

The extra fishing trips. The extra trips to the beach. The extra sea shells collected. The extra sunsets.

The cheerfulness and gratefulness and pure happiness that finds me every fall, like clock-work. Like a breath of fresh air. Like someone hit the reset button.

The beautiful dance the leaves perform as they fall from their trees, covering the ground in a blanket of color.

As the leaves fall off the trees, I, too, find myself shedding. Shedding old habits that no longer serve me. Shedding thought processes that hinder me. Shedding people who have met their expiration date in my journey.

Fall is a time of transition. A time of letting go. A time of centering and grounding and focusing. There’s a real beauty in letting go and allowing and accepting what is. Fall allows me to see that more than any other time of the year. I love fall. 

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